Playgrounds in Anchorage & the Valley August 30, 2016

Are the Playgrounds & Vacant Lots you used still available?  If not, do you know what happened them?  I know what happened to the “chain” Vacant Lot Playground I used.  My 0-Lot Line was built on it.


Anchorage boasts 223 parks with 82 playgrounds: Some are in the middle of residential areas, and others feel like they’ve been manicured into the center of the wilderness. As you head north to Wasilla, Palmer, and Talkeetna, you’ll find even more playgrounds that take advantage of the unique assets of their locations. Here’s a list of our top picks.

Listing of “the best” playgrounds and parks in Anchorage:


(Colleen) Carlson, a former outdoor educator turned playground advocate, thought she knew Anchorage parks and playgrounds before she gave birth to James. Once she and her husband made the decision that she would stay home to raise their son, Carlson found it important for body and soul to get out of the house as much as possible, so she frequented her favorite nature-themed parks, then playgrounds, as James grew up. One week, she happened to meet the same dad at two different parks.

Erin Kirkland: Playing up Anchorage: New book reviews playgrounds of Alaska’s biggest city


Colleen Carlson:  133 Anchorage Playgrounds $16.95