Quotes April 16, 2017

Some wish blessings, others pray for them. Some send blessings and they become one.
Joyce C. Lock



When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.
Elie Wiesel



Half of what we are going to teach you is wrong, and half of it is right. Our problem is that we don’t know which half is which.
Dr. Sidney Burwell, the dean of Harvard Medical School



“Life is not a race but a pace we need to maintain with reality.”
Amit Abraham



“If you do the same thing every day at the same time for the same length of time, you’ll save yourself from many a sink. Routine is a condition of survival.”
Flannery O’Connor, letter to “A,” 10 Feb 62