Quotes July 21, 2019

They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol,
artist, director and producer
Snatching the eternal out of the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence.
Tennessee Williams,
When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope.
Wangari Maathai,
Nobel Peace Prize laureate, environmental and political activist
Always try the problem that matters most to you.
Andrew Wiles,
mathematician who proved Fermat’s last theorem
What’s important is that you make the leap. Jump high and hard with intention and heart.
Cheryl Strayed,
You can forget facts but you cannot forget understanding.
Eric Mazur,
physicist and educator
It’s human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice, really; it’s an imperative.
Michael Collins,
astronaut, crew member of the Apollo 11 moon mission
Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
Arthur Miller,
playwright and essayist, in “The Ride Down Mount Morgan”
Talk is cheap. Words are plentiful. Deeds are precious.
Ross Perot,
business magnate, philanthropist, politician