Tag: Navy’s Brave Aquanauts

Military February 12, 2019

Task & Purpose: Navy Admiral on ship collisions: Those were tragedies, but what about the other 280 ships that didn’t collide?; The US conducted more airstrikes in Afghanistan in 2018 than any other time in the last decade; A timeline of the National Guard’s deployment to the US-Mexico border under Trump and more->
By James Clark: This is all that was left of Kyle Carpenter’s M4 after the attack that led to his Medal of Honor
By Jim Garamone: U.S. Must Secure, Safeguard Capabilities in Space
By James Barber: PBS’ ‘Sealab’ Remembers the Navy’s Brave Aquanauts
By Oriana Pawlyck: 3 Members of Army’s Parachute Team in Serious Condition After Training Accident
By Patrica Kime: Sailor Who Failed to Disclose HIV Status Guilty of Sex Assault, Court Rules
In its ruling, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals noted that one of Forbes’ victims had discussed getting tested but had been assured by him that “he was clean.” Another victim told Forbes that she was taking medication that weakened her immune system because she had recently had a kidney transplant. But according to the court, the appellant “assured her that he ‘wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that.'”

“These two situations betray the callousness and deceit of the appellant and are particularly aggravating,” wrote Navy Cmdr. Heather Partridge, NMCCCA judge. “Additionally, the appellant brazenly continue to have frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse with the two women despite knowing he was actively being investigated by NCIS.”