Tag: Patrick Shanahan

Military May 24, 2019

By Reuters: Trump to send 1,500 troops to the Middle East amid tensions with Iran
By Jim Garamone: Remembering Those Who Sacrificed for America
By Joe Marusak, The Charlotte Observer: Decorated Vietnam vet presents Purple Heart and Bronze Star to family of slain UNC Charlotte shooting hero
On Wednesday, Waynesville Police Chief William Hollingsed and Haywood County Sheriff Greg Christopher presented Howell’s family with a Purple Heart and Bronze Star from Thomas “Stormy” Matteo.

Matteo is president of the Purple Heart Society who received six Purple Heart medals from action with the Marines in Vietnam.
By Jared Keller: Shanahan to Naval Academy graduates: learn to embrace failure like samurai and Silicon Valley
“If you have never experienced failure; if you have not felt the cut of the blade, then when failure finds you — you won’t know how to recover,” he added.
Military.com | By Gina Harkins: Top Marine Makes Plea to End Suicide, Says ‘Zero Shame’ in Admitting Problem
“Let me be clear up front, there is zero shame in admitting one’s struggles in life — trauma, shame, guilt or uncertainty about the future — and asking for help,” he said in a two-page letter about mental illness addressed to Marines, sailors and their families.

Neller accompanied the letter with a raw video posted to social media in which he tells Marines that life is tough, just as being a Marine is tough. “Nobody said this was going to be easy, but you can deal with this. It has to be dealt with.”

“We are all ‘broken’ in our own way — and we all need help at times,” Neller said. “It is critical we understand and respect that.”

Marines are in a fight to save their fellow comrades, and they must approach that fight with the same intensity they apply to other battles, he added.

“We can never stand by and do nothing,” the commandant wrote.

Editor’s note: Those struggling can visit www.dstressline.com or call 1-877-476-7734. Someone is available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
DoD: Face of Defense: Shooting Toward Success
By Katie Lange: Marine Corps Drill Instructor Doesn’t Hold Back on NASCAR’s Larson



What do you think of when you hear the term “power couple”? Think no longer! In this episode, I sit down with former SEAL and Forged clothing co-founder, Mike Sauers, and his beautiful former Marine turned model/private investigator/veteran and first responder advocate, Samantha Bonilla. There’s no shortage of back and forth between the adventurous duo in this comedic episode, while we delve into both of their life stories. @forgedmike @samantha_r_bonilla