Tag: Sitka Nature

Matt Goff Sitka Nature Show #150 – Lauren Bell

The February 4th show featured a conversation with Lauren Bell, has been working with the Sitka Sound Science Center and recently began her graduate studies at the University of Santa Cruz. As part of that work, she has begun looking at the ecology of kelp forests in Sitka Sound, and we talked about that, as well as a project looking at subsistence, biodiversity, and change in Sitka Sound.

Read more and download the radio show -> Sitka Nature Show #150 – Lauren Bell

Sitka Nature: Bear Mountain

After last year’s fall climb up Bear Mountain, I thought it would be nice to get up there again and see what else I might find. I got in touch with Matt Hunter to see if he was interested and…

Read complete article -> Bear Mountain

Sitka Nature: Pirate’s Cove on a Sunny Day

For several years I’ve been hoping to get a better version of a photo I first took 10 years ago. The limited window of time where the beach cinquefoil (Potenilla villosa) is blooming well doe…

Read complete article -> Pirate’s Cove on a Sunny Day

Sitka Nature: Campus Mushrooms, Olive-sided Flycatcher

Color fungi on the Sheldon Jackson Campus lawn, plus a (rare) Olive-sided Flycatcher reported from the raptor center.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

Read more -> Campus Mushrooms, Olive-sided Flycatcher

Sitka Nature: Walk with Rowan

Rowan and I went for a walk down to the park and I took some pictures of fungi along the way.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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Read more -> Walk with Rowan

Sitka Nature: Walk Along Indian River

Pictures from a walk along Indian River starting near the old gravel staging area.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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Read more -> Walk Along Indian River

Sitka Nature: Indian River iButtons

Scott Harris and I went up as far as the large muskegs deploying ibuttons (temperature data loggers) to get a sense of how temperature varies in the valley.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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Read more -> Indian River iButtons

Sitka Nature: West Valley Indian River Watershed

Pictures from a hike up the west valley of Indian River watershed. Our route went through the long muskegs up and then along the base of the slope of the Middle Sister to near the headwall and back down.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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Read more -> West Valley Indian River Watershed

Sitka Nature: Starrigavan ibuttons

Scott Harris and I went to Starrigavan to deploy ibuttons (temperature data loggers) I recently purchased. We set one in the valley bottom, one near the upper part of the clear cut, and one right at the edge of the old growth above the clear cut.

Read more -> Starrigavan ibuttons

Sitka Nature: Afternoon Walk

It has been a while since I went for a wander, so I decided to take advantage of a nice afternoon and go look for some raven tracks in the snow on the Sheldon Jackson campus (Connor told me he had seen some) and then along the waterfront in case I might find the Dusky Thrush.

As the the photos attest, I did find some raven tracks in the snow that had fallen overnight, but no luck on the thrush.

Read more -> Aftenoon Walk