By Kyle Hopkins: The state mistakenly certified this fired police officer. Now’s he’s charged with child porn
By Leroy Polk: Title Wave employee found guilty of exposing himself in front of 7-year-old
By Mike Ross: VIDEO:Family with AK and TX ties share worries about hurricane
I’ll sign!
By Associatede Press: Proposal would address allowance, travel by Alaska lawmakers
By Austin Baird: Why do so many Alaskans switch from prescription opioids to heroin?
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Tips to protect yourself from identity theft
By Lauren Maxwell: 1231.5-pound gourd wins Great Pumpkin Weigh-Off
This rule allows an argument for most items at the State Fair~
By Steffi Lee: Mixed reactions to Confederate flag items at the state fair
On page seven, it states, “Fair management maintains the right to prohibit the sale or distribution of any product or service it deems hazardous, offensive or a nuisance to the public. Martial art stars and weapons, offensive or sexually explicit items, silly string and/or caps/popping devices may not be sold.”