907 Updates October 20-21, 2016

How much is the “upper management” D-head being paid?  How do you financially compensate the disabled man?  If you, as an employer, have the opportunity to hire a disabled person or an ex-con, what are your determining factors? I believe employers can be compensated for hiring criminals and disabled persons.
Chris Klint: Federal agency sues Salvation Army over rejection of disabled applicant for Wasilla store


Smart move financially and sense of community: How about asking UAF & UAA, with professional oversite, to create these projects?  Plus have students, apprentices do a majority of the physical labor.  It could count towards credit & work hours.
Devin Kelly: Advocates for Anchorage’s bike trail system envision extensive new links


Stereotyping using pictures of trailer parks, lower income range apartment buildings?
 On ’roundup day,’ Anchorage police seek suspects in domestic violence cases
Tegan Hanlon: Officers looked for the people wanted on outstanding warrants for charges including assault, theft and criminal mischief.


Pot train?  “Smoking cars?” How many pudding cups and bags of doritos will a rxr car hold? Train robberies make a comeback big time?
Alex DeMarban: Alaska Railroad sees hope in marijuana industry and elsewhere as profits drop


Chris Klint:  Snow season arrives in Southcentral Alaska, and drivers are sliding


Erik Hill:  Opera flash mob delights Clark Middle School students


Rick Sinnott: Junk car graveyard on Kincaid Park bluff gets helicopter-assisted cleanup