Carolyn Y. Johnson, The Washington Post: EpiPen maker offers discounts after US outcry at price hikes, but not all users will benefit
“People just don’t want to go through the hassle,” said Gerard Anderson, a professor at health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “The problem is it doesn’t apply to nearly all of us. It only applies to a small subset of people that are willing to take out the coupon and use it. You should just make the drug, in the case the EpiPen, a lot cheaper.”
Sherwood District Court Judge Milas “Butch” Hale
Will Lee Robertson receive cancer drugs in Prison?
Sherwood District Court Judge Milas “Butch” Hale’s conduct while leading the court’s “hot checks division” is the focus of a lawsuit filed this week by the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas. Acting in this capacity, Hale sentenced Lee Robertson to 90 days in jail for owing the court $3,054.51. Robertson has been living with pancreatic cancer since 2009, which has affected his ability to pay back past debts.
But according to the suit, Robertson and his fellow defendants unknowingly sign away their right to an attorney in order to be let into the courtroom. The court also bars defendants’ family and friends from witnessing the proceedings, and no transcripts are kept of the hearings.