Quotes February 12, 2019

Revolution begins in the kitchen.
Helen Garner,
writer, from “Other People’s Children”
Conflicts may be the sources of defeat, lost life and a limitation of our potentiality but they may also lead to greater depth of living and the birth of more far-reaching unities, which flourish in the tensions that engender them.
Karl Jaspers,
psychiatrist and philosopher
We are told we must choose — the old or the new. In fact, we must choose both.
Susan Sontag,
Do not go mental, and with that, goodnight.
John Cooper Clarke,
punk performance poet
I was willing to do whatever I had to do to break that barrier because all I kept hearing was, ‘If you only had the experience.’ I was trying to eliminate that excuse.
Frank Robinson,
first black Major League Baseball manager
No greater glory, no greater honor, is the lot of man departing than a feeling possessed deep in his heart that the world is a better place for his having lived.
Robert Sengstacke Abbott,
founder and editor of The Chicago Defender, the most widely circulated black newspaper in the US
Perhaps there has been, at some point in history, some great power whose elevation was exempt from the violent exploitation of other human bodies. If there has been, I have yet to discover it.
Ta-Nehisi Coates,