Quotes July 22, 2019

Courtesy of Courtesy of KindSpring.org

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”
Melody Beattie
“Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
St. Francis of Assisi
“Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”
Brene Brown
“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution.” – Khalil Gibran
“I believe much trouble would be saved if we opened our hearts more.”
Chief Joseph
“Love is a gift of one’s inner most soul to another so both can be whole.”
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”
Desmond Tutu
“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”
Nelson Henderson
“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.”
Steve Maraboli
“In music, in the sea, in a flower, in a leaf, in an act of kindness…I see what people call God in all these things.”
Pablo Casals
“If I have all faith to move Mountains but have no love, I am nothing.”
“Seek out a tree and let it teach you stillness.”
Eckhart Tolle
“We can only achieve our true human potential, which is huge, if we have harmony between head and heart.”
Jane Goodall
“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”
Samuel Smiles
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.”
Ernest Hemingway
“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”
Ronald Reagan
“There are no words to express the abyss between isolation and having one ally..two is not twice one; two is two thousand times one.”
“Beauty is visible, palpable, in moments when human beings reach across the mystery of each other.”
Krista Tippett
“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.”
Charles R. Swindoll
“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.”
Robert A. Heinlein
“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.”