Army Pilots to Learn Bold New Tactics to Fly Future Helicopters; Air Force Chaplain Cleanses Yokota Air Base Homes Where ‘Odd Things Occur’; Army Denies Major’s Appeal to Get Valor Award Back After Trump Pardon and more ->
Tak & Purpose: The truth about false sexual assault reports in the military ‘That is not a thing’; ‘I reacted on instinct’ — How a Marine rescued a child from drowning in a brutal rip current
“A true hero.” and more ->
DoD: Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Secretary of State Antony Blinken Conduct Press Conference With Their Counterparts After a U.S.-ROK Foreign and Defense Ministerial (“2+2”), Hosted by the ROK’s Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong and Minister of Defense Suh Wook and more ->