Tag: USCGC Terrell Horne WPC 1131

Military March 24, 2019

By Patricia Kime: Controversial Military Malpractice Policy May Be Closer to Overturn Than Ever
This Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to hear a petition from Moani Daniel’s husband, Walter Daniel, in his case against the Navy hospital where his wife died. Like every other service member, Daniel was required to get medical care from the U.S. military, but her family is prohibited from suing for medical malpractice, barred by a 69-year-old legal ruling known as Feres that precludes troops from suing the federal government for injuries deemed incidental to military service.

“Suppose you had two sisters. One was on active duty and the other was a military dependent. Both of them give birth in adjoining rooms at the same military hospital [by the same doctor]. Both are victims of malpractice. One can sue and the other one can’t. How can that make sense?” asked attorney Eugene Fidell, a former Coast Guard judge advocate general and military law expert who lectures at Yale Law School.
Task & Purpose: NCIS is offering a reward for any info on who’s been leaving bomb threats in the Norfolk Naval Shipyard toilets; Paratroopers mark 25 years since the Green Ramp disaster; Pentagon identifies 2 soldiers killed in Afghanistan as Green Beret, EOD tech and more ->
By Frank Wilkes Lesnefsky: Purple Heart Recipient’s Mission: Design 1 New VFW Post Each Year
By Associated Press: Coast Guard Commissions Ship Named for Slain Petty Officer