907 Updates May 11, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: Poldine Carlo, noted Alaska Athabascan elder, dies at 97
By Zaz Hollander: Man who cut his hand during Anchorage pawnshop robbery arrested, officials say
By Chris Klint: Anchorage surgeon in photo suit settles spinal malpractice claim
By Steve Quinn: Pretrial revisions bill advances in Legislature
By Laurten Maxwell: Woman seeks Campbell Creek pet ban near refuge
By Nathaniel Herz: How a fight between bar owners, brewers and distillers sank a widely supported overhaul of Alaska’s alcohol laws
By Richard Mauer: Legislature heads toward close of session with both chambers passing a flurry of bills
By Steve Quinn: Senate committee offers alternative to ‘Bree’s Law’ bill
By Chris Klint: New report describes fatal avalanche near Whittier
By Cameron Mackintosh: New Mat-Su coffee stand sells CBD-infused drinks
Thank you Austin Duffus!
By Joe Vigil: Anchorage boy, 8, donates hair to help kids with cancer
By Beth Bragg: Pitch-perfect Dimond High girls try to keep their soccer streak low-key
By Loren Holmes: Discover Alaska’s songbirds with Mr. Whitekeys
By Ben Guarino, The Washington Post: We’re fishing exactly the wrong fish, scientists warn
By lsturtz: National Park Tourism in Alaska Creates $1.3 Billion in Economic Ben
By Tim Bradner: The Legislature’s historic decision
By John Tracy: Reality Check: Alaska profits from nonprofits
Moms Everyday Alaska Texas AgriLife Extension: Chipotle chicken taco salad