Shorpy April 25, 2017

Circa 1910. “Main Street — Springfield, Massachusetts.” Back when people actually had to go outdoors and walk around. 8×10 inch glass negative.

Paris, France. circa 1918. “Sample Red Cross rolling kitchen, ready to travel. On exhibition at the Grand Palais.” 5×7 glass negative.

San Francisco, 1925. “Ajax Six sedan at Golden Gate Park Conservatory.” The Ajax, manufactured by Nash Motors in Racine, Wisconsin, survived just two model years before expiring in 1926. 5×7 glass negative by Christopher Helin.

Columbus, Georgia, circa 1956. “Future Marines of America — Juniors.” Signatories of the FMA pledge (“We further, in the interest of worldly peace and humanity, do agree at all times to conduct ourselves in a military manner”) include Tommy Tucker, Jerry Tucker, Lasseter Jones and Allen Leroy Osborne. 4×5 inch acetate negative from the Shorpy News Photo Archive.