From Obligation to Opportunity, Wonder, Our Learning Platform, Poetry and More…

One of the mainstays of living gratefully is cultivating a capacity for surprise. Being surprised rests in releasing expectations, assumptions, and what we think we know and want, and welcoming what arrives into our experience with fresh eyes, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from it.

Gratefulness offers abundant pathways and opportunities to awaken to the many gifts of your life. May you avail yourself of the grace and generosity that is offered to you here, and in the unfolding moments of this precious day.

From Obligation to opportunity
What would it take to see the considerations, commitments and responsibilities in our lives as our riches, blessings and privileges? What can we do to remember our good fortune in having people and things to consider and tend as we move through our days?
Explore this powerful practice…

Blog: Wonder
“When people are struck with wonder, they generally are not yelling, arguing, fighting, or angry. Wonder provides a moment where we can hold hands, (perhaps) tear up, and find common ground.” Katie Steedly guides us to ponder the impact of wonder.
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