Shorpy November 22, 2016

November 1913. West, Texas. "Some of the younger boys working in Brazos Valley Cotton Mills at West. One, Charlie Lott, was 13 years old according to Family Record. Another, Norman Vaughn, apparently 12 years old, was under legal age according to one of the boys there, Calvin Caughlin, who did not appear to be 15 years old himself. These and two girls that I proved to be under legal age were all working in this small mill. It was an exceptional case, but it is likely that as the children become tired of school later in the year, there will be many more at work." Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

November 1913. West, Texas. “Some of the younger boys working in Brazos Valley Cotton Mills at West. One, Charlie Lott, was 13 years old according to Family Record. Another, Norman Vaughn, apparently 12 years old, was under legal age according to one of the boys there, Calvin Caughlin, who did not appear to be 15 years old himself. These and two girls that I proved to be under legal age were all working in this small mill. It was an exceptional case, but it is likely that as the children become tired of school later in the year, there will be many more at work.” Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.