907 Updates April 05-07, 2024

KTUU: Man arraigned on charges of indecent exposure to 4-year-old girl; Man arrested in fatal Parks Highway wreck involving suspected drunk driving and more ->


KTOO: What happened to the fast-food restaurants that used to be in Juneau, and why aren’t there more today?; Tsunami program that informs Alaskans of the danger is itself at risk and more ->


Alaska Native News: Alaska Air National Guard rescue Airmen help three over Easter weekend; NASA rockets to gather sun data in rare daytime Poker Flat launches; Siberian tiger takes final rest at museum; This Day in Alaskan History-April 5th, 1824; This Day in Alaska History-April 6th, 1933 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Historians index Polaris ephemera before demo of Fairbanks’ tallest building; How to view the Great American Eclipse in Alaska and more ->

KINY: New rooftop antenna to be installed on UAF Usibelli Building and more ->


KUCB: Whale entanglement experts free humpback in Iliuliuk Bay and more ->


Delta Wind: Lyons sets sights on bullseye and more ->
KMXT: ComFish kicks off in Kodiak next week


Eat Your Words from Edible Alaska #68: Where the river meets the road…
April 7, 2024

Hey there,

Here’s a small taste of one of the pieces in Watershed, our current Spring issue of the magazine:
Each spring as the snow begins to shrink, I drive out the Copper River Highway in search of edible greens. The first young fireweed shoots and fiddleheads emerge during the growing daylight of late April and May. All along the road edges, I see these olivine gems spring up where the wild beautiful chaos of the wilderness meets the flat gravel. Over the summer, I will drive this stretch many times—to campfires with friends, and fishing holes, and hikes. This year, as I traversed this familiar stretch of easy foraging ground, I couldn’t help but think of the paradox of this road—both barrier and bastion for wild foods and those who rely on them.

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