Navy Officer Who Lived with Prostitutes in Bahrain Has Sentence Partly Overturned by Appeals Court; Marine Corps Rifle Qualification Is Getting Its First Major Overhaul in More Than 100 Years ; Churchill’s Notorious WWII Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Finally Gets a Movie and more ->
Task & Purpose: Fort Hood general fired over Vanessa Guillén’s death given new assignment Maj. Gen. Scott Efflandt was relieved last year when the Fort Hood report was released.; A veteran’s 30-year journey to learn about a friend killed during the Vietnam War “What a pointless waste of a remarkable young man’s life—and in a war with no light at the end of…; Air Force considers allowing airmen to attend funerals without charging leave “Fundamentally, I think bereavement leave is the right thing to do.”; Marines, rejoice: Someone made crayons that are actually meant to be eaten Yes this is real. And more ->
DoD: Iraqi Government Examines In-Country Missile Attacks on U.S. Bases; Pentagon Press Secretary Holds an Off-Camera Press Briefing and more ->