Quotes November 08, 2024

“A man’s pride can be his downfall, and he needs to learn when to turn to others for support and guidance.”
Bear Grylls
Unselfishness, as far as you are concerned means simply this – you will put first the honour and interests of your country and your regiment; next you will put the safety, well-being and comfort of your men; and last – and last all the time – you will put your own interest, your own safety, your own comfort.
Field Marshal Sir Bill Slim, Courage and other Broadcasts,1957
…leaders under pressure must keep themselves absolutely clean morally. The relativism of the social sciences will never do. They must lead by example, must be able to implant high-mindedness to their followers, and must have earned their followers’ respect by demonstrating integrity.
Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, 1987
People think that the follower serves the leader. But that isn’t true. The leader and the follower both serve the mission.
Ira Chaleff
A [unit’s] quality, its discipline, its training will depend on your leadership. Whatever deficiencies there are must be charged to your failure and incapacity.
General George C.Marshall, 1941
The good military leader will dominate the events which surround him; once he lets events get the better of him he will lose the confidence of his men, and when that happens he ceases to be of value as a leader.
Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, The Art of Leadership, 1958
It is absolutely necessary…for me to have persons that can think for me, as well as execute orders.
George Washington