Courtesy of theCHIVE
Must be a lot of different toilet styles in the Star Wars universe
Sending an unsolicited dick pic is as effective as sending a picture of your instrument to a record producer and expecting it to get you a contract
Finding out some people don’t see a movie in their heads when they read a book explains why some people don’t enjoy reading.
Our childhood punishments have became our goals in our adult lives: eat vegetables, go to sleep early, stay at home…
Good people get angry when you lie about them; bad people get angry when you tell the truth about them.
Someone decided that genies grant three wishes and everyone just agreed
Flipping a coin and realizing how much you dislike the outcome is more useful for decision making than the actual result of the flip
All moms are technically bodybuilders
Dog toys live a horrifying life in the Toy Story universe.
Technically, I have never lost a fight with a tiger
When playing truth or dare, kids are afraid of the dares while adults are afraid of the truths
Procrastinating is easier done than said.
Adam and Eve are exactly like those kids in class that mess around and eventually the teacher ends up punishing everybody
Hospitals are the only place that have an emergency exits AND emergency entrances.
Dropping a cup of coffee usually wakes you up more than drinking it