Shorpy August 23, 2016

Washington, D.C. "Billy Denham, 9/5/22." Competitive cyclist both motor- and bi-. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Washington, D.C. “Billy Denham, 9/5/22.” Competitive cyclist both motor- and bi-. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Washington, D.C. "Roxie Stinson, figure in Teapot Dome scandal, has her fortune told, 3/27/24." National Photo Company glass negative.  "Roxie Stinson, divorced former wife of the late Jess Smith, right-hand man to Attorney General Frank Daugherty, broke open the Teapot Dome investigations with sensational testimony of graft, bribes from bootleggers, and a crooked $33 million dollar oil deal."

Washington, D.C. “Roxie Stinson, figure in Teapot Dome scandal, has her fortune told, 3/27/24.” National Photo Company glass negative.
“Roxie Stinson, divorced former wife of the late Jess Smith, right-hand man to Attorney General Frank Daugherty, broke open the Teapot Dome investigations with sensational testimony of graft, bribes from bootleggers, and a crooked $33 million dollar oil deal.”