By Gina Harkins: Sailor Killed, 2nd Injured When Fuel Tank Falls Off Grounded Sea Hawk
By Paul Szoldra: Video Shows Final Heroic Moments That Earned John Chapman the Medal of Honor
By Gina Harkins: Fired Marine CO Was ‘High-Risk Aviator’ Obsessed with Flight Time: Probe
By Oriana Pawlyk: Air Force Fires Wing Commander Amid Financial Misconduct Probe
By Katie Lange: This Man’s Lawless Gov’t Wanted Him Dead, So He Became a U.S. Soldier
By Amy Bushatz: More Marines May Head to Alaska for Cold Weather Training: Senator
By Paul Szoldra: Exclusive: The Insider Attack In Syria That The Pentagon Denies Ever Happened
By Tom Ricks: An Interview With The Comic Mastermind Behind ‘Terminal Lance’
By Capt. Daniel Shell, U.S. Army: A Little Humility On The Part Of The Military Might Help Bridge The Civil-Military Divide
By Jeff Schogol: The Recruit Who Shipped To Boot Camp With A Mullet Is Now A Marine
Recruit Mullet is now Marine Mullet, a spokesman for the Corps’ west coast recruit training depot told Task & Purpose.