Beloved Picture-Book Author and Army Veteran Eric Carle Dies at 91; Air Force’s Mismanagement of KC-46 Tanker Program Is Costing It $100 Million, IG Says; Army General Who Allowed Helicopter to Fly Low Over DC Protesters Failed to Give Clear Orders, IG Finds and more ->
Task & Purpose: ‘I don’t want to forget’ — What Memorial Day really means to those who’ve served We asked what Memorial Day meant to you. Here’s what you told us.; Faced with death, Afghan interpreters still have no escape route to the US ‘An evacuation is not imminent.’; This real-life Air Force superhero saved 28 people from an active shooter in Arizona “In that moment, you have to decide: Flight or Fight. I chose fight.” And more ->
DoD: Nakasone Says U.S. Works to Stay Ahead of Cybersecurity Curve and more ->