Tag: Mat Best Jarred Taylor and Ross Patterson Mike The Cop and Officer Daniels

Videos November 26, 2018

Baraka Kaseko and Marah Eakin. What’s it like to run a famous Hollywood cemetery?
James Clear Famous Speeches and Great Talks
Just a few:
This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. On each page, you’ll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information.

*Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story”
Jeff Bezos, “What Matters More Than Your Talents”
John Cleese, “Creativity in Management”
William Deresiewicz, “Solitude and Leadership”
Richard Feynman, “Seeking New Laws”
*Neil Gaiman, “Make Good Art”
Atul Gawande, “Curiosity and What Equality Really Means”
*Elizabeth Gilbert, “Your Elusive Creative Genius”
*Richard Hamming, “You and Your Research”
Steve Jobs, “2005 Stanford Commencement Address”
Admiral William H. McRaven, “Make Your Bed”
*Arno Rafael Minkkinen, “Finding Your Own Vision”
*Charlie Munger, “A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom”
*Charlie Munger, “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment”
*Charlie Munger, “2007 USC Law School Commencement Address”
Nathan Myhrvold, “Roadkill on the Information Highway“
*Randy Pausch, “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”
Randy Pausch, “Time Management”
*John Roberts, “I Wish You Bad Luck”
Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”
J.K. Rowling, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure”
Claude Shannon, “Creative Thinking”
*Bret Victor, “Inventing on Principle”
*David Foster Wallace, “This is Water”
*Art Williams, “Just Do It”