Tag: Mat-Su

The NaNoWriMo challenge

By Jacob Mann Frontiersman.com: The NaNoWriMo challenge

PALMER — The month of November has become an annual wave of words across the nation. Writers of all ages unite under the same challenge — to write a novel in 30 Days. The official challenge is sanctioned by the organization, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Caitlin Buxbaum is a Valley raised writer on the path to become an educator. As November approached, she gathered a group of children who accepted the challenge. Buxbaum combined forces with the like-minded educators in Colony Middle School English teacher, Sacha Pettit and Mat-Su Central English teacher, Tricia Kenney.


Alaskanomics: The Mat-Su Economy

Alaskanomics: The Mat-Su Economy

The Mat-Su Economy

In a recent issue of Trends, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development highlighted the growth in the Mat-Su economy. The borough has seen a large increase in population, while the state saw a modest growth. Since 2010, population in the Mat-Su has grown by 15 percent, which is much higher than the 4 percent that was seen throughout the state in the same time frame. New home construction is also strong and even during the state’s recession, the Mat-Su saw job growth.
