A Sailor With Diagnosed Mental Health Issues Says He’s Being Targeted for Seeking Help; Decorated Combat Marine Veteran Sheds Pain with Horse Power; Czechs Provide Free Shooting Training for Local Ukrainians and more ->
Task & Purpose: A Purple Heart reminds us that US troops are still fighting in Northern Africa A soldier with the 20th Special Forces Group recently received the Purple Heart after being wounded in northwest Africa in January.; hese 2 soldiers hung through a 3-day sufferfest to become the ‘Best Rangers’ of 2022 “I’ve been in [the Army] 10 years, and I’ve been training for this every one of those days.” And more ->
DoD: NDNG Soldiers serving at Southwest border rescue migrants and more ->
The Angry Staff Officer: What’s in a Name: The Problem with “Warfighter”
Excellent, well worth listening to and watching.