Tag: Warrior Poet Society

Military August 13, 2020

Military.com: Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman to Troops: Tell Us What’s Bothering You; Why Some Army Colonels Won’t Make the Cut for Command in New Assessment Course; The AK-47: Everything You Want to Know and more ->

Task & Purpose: How the battle of Iwo Jima defined shared moments; With honor ceremony, Marines and sailor who died in ocean training exercise are flown to Dover Air Force Base; Flash floods basically sunk Scott Air Force Base for a few hours nd more ->

DOD: Video: Defense Officials Brief on Opening DODEA Schools During COVID-19






Military May 24, 20200

Military.com: Lives Lost: At Veterans’ Home, Towering Legacies of the Dead; As Rangers Face Isolation and Stress, Army Chaplain Goes to New Lengths to Reach Them and more ->

Task & Purpose: Meet the 80-year-old Vietnam veteran volunteering on the front lines of Seattle’s COVID-19 fight; Taliban and Afghan military announce three-day ceasefire and more ->