Tag: World War Two 152B – How Hitler Created the World’s Worst Traffic Jam – WW2 – July 27 942

Military July 27 & 28, 2021

Military.com: Former Airman Who Leaked Details of Drone Program Sentenced, Will Serve Prison Time; VA Makes ‘Error’ in Using Gender-Neutral Motto in Official Government Notice; Congress Rebuffs Air Force’s Plan to Retire Older Aircraft, Putting A-10 Move on Hold; The US Military Couldn’t Stop the Heroin Trade from Funding the Taliban. But Synthetic Opioid Producers Might. And more ->
Task & Purpose: The predictable collapse of the Afghan Air Force is happening in real time None of this is surprising.; Air Force’s top enlisted leader gets wrecked by subordinates in Mario Kart “I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, but … I’ve also
never played Mario Kart before this week.” And more ->

DoD: Face of Defense: Swimming Toward Gold and more ->