Quotes March 02, 2021

Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.
Rhonda Byrne
You enter life a ship laden with meaning, purpose and gifts
sent to be delivered to a hungry world.
And as much as the world needs your cargo,
you need to give it away.
Everything depends on this.
Greg Kimura
Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others.
Harriet Goldhor Lerner
We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough?
Wendell Berry
Only when our feet learn once again how to walk in a sacred manner, and our hearts hear the real music of creation, can we bring the world back into balance.
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
e.e. cummings
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Henry Havelock Ellis
Now man cannot live without some vision of himself. But still less can he live with a vision that is not true to his inner experience and inner feeling.
D.H. Lawrence
Love is first and foremost exemplified by action –by practice — not solely by feeling.
bell hooks
Stillness is our most intense mode of action. It is in our moments of deep quiet that is born every idea, emotion, and drive which we eventually honor with the name of action.
Leonard Bernstein
A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.
Amelia Earhart
By activating your own goodness within, under any circumstances –especially in hard or difficult conditions — life itself will lead to goodness.
Master Mingtong Gu