Deborah Collins

Random Musings from Alaska

Author's posts

“US Army Air Force Pilot Shoots Down Wife”

probably the coolest true story you’ll learn this week, why a P 51 shot down an American C 47, and has a USA flag on his kill roster, in addition to Japanese, Nazi and Italian flags

Sunset Fire

Beach Fire

Beach Fire

Shorpy August 9, 2016

"Loading steamer Chalmette during high water, March 23, 1903, New Orleans." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

“Loading steamer Chalmette during high water, March 23, 1903, New Orleans.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

New York circa 1910. "The Curb Market, Broad Street." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company

New York circa 1910. “The Curb Market, Broad Street.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company

November 1938. "Home of rural rehabilitation client, Tulare County, California. They bought 20 acres of raw unimproved land with a first payment of 50 dollars which was money saved out of relief budget (August 1936). They received a Farm Security Administration loan of $700 for stock and equipment. Now they have a one-room shack, seven cows, three sows, and homemade pumping plant, along with 10 acres of improved permanent pasture. Cream check approximately 30 dollars per month. Husband also works about ten days a month outside the farm. Husband is 26 years old, wife 22, three small children. Been in California five years. 'Piece by piece this place gets put together. One more piece of pipe and our water tank will be finished'." Medium format negative by Dorothea Lange for the Resettlement Administration.

November 1938. “Home of rural rehabilitation client, Tulare County, California. They bought 20 acres of raw unimproved land with a first payment of 50 dollars which was money saved out of relief budget (August 1936). They received a Farm Security Administration loan of $700 for stock and equipment. Now they have a one-room shack, seven cows, three sows, and homemade pumping plant, along with 10 acres of improved permanent pasture. Cream check approximately 30 dollars per month. Husband also works about ten days a month outside the farm. Husband is 26 years old, wife 22, three small children. Been in California five years. ‘Piece by piece this place gets put together. One more piece of pipe and our water tank will be finished’.” Medium format negative by Dorothea Lange for the Resettlement Administration.

August 9, 2016

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller,
writer and political activist

“Yet occasionally we discover in the folds of an old handkerchief a shell or insignificant stone that had once embodied our happiest of afternoons.”
Patti Smith, Just Kids

“Feelings come and go like clouds in the sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above it.
Washington Irving,
writer, historian and diplomat

Governor Walker and Attached Legislators Please Correct MCB Issues Correct and Resolve MCB Issues

Hemp is a resource and a lot of folks have and do benefit from Marijuana.

Cui Bono? Government, Liquor and Drug Industries.

$3.99 App to help with emotions, behavior and control

Interacting with an electronic device~

Curly Fries Haven’t Changed Much in 200 Years

Curly Fries

Images August 8, 2016

This website powered by Bill Fikes.

This website powered by Bill Fikes.

Bill Hicks Truth

Bill Hicks Truth

Light the darkness

Light the darkness

Sideways Move for Social Class

Sideways Move for Social Class

Really Love You

Really Love You

Reminder sometimes tomorrow doesn't come.

Reminder sometimes tomorrow doesn’t come.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

The company you keep can make a big difference.

The company you keep can make a big difference.

Something to tell the (possible) grandkids?

Something to tell the (possible) grandkids?

Shorpy August 8, 2016

March 1943. "Isleta, New Mexico. The Santa Fe depot. Horizontal arms on pole indicate a 'red beard,' that is a message is to be picked up by the train crew." Photo by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.

March 1943. “Isleta, New Mexico. The Santa Fe depot. Horizontal arms on pole indicate a ‘red beard,’ that is a message is to be picked up by the train crew.” Photo by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.

Suzanna Caldwell: Help With Preventing SIDS

Help Preventing SIDS

“It can consume you” Gallahorn said of her grief. “You can either be mad or you can try to do something positive.”
