FYI March 05, 2023

On This Day

363 – Roman emperor Julian leaves Antioch with an army of 90,000 to attack the Sasanian Empire, in a campaign which would bring about his own death.[1]
Julian[i] (Latin: Flavius Claudius Julianus; Greek: Ἰουλιανός Ioulianos; 331 – 26 June 363) was Roman emperor from 361 to 363, as well as a notable philosopher and author in Greek.[4] His rejection of Christianity, and his promotion of Neoplatonic Hellenism in its place, caused him to be remembered as Julian the Apostate in Christian tradition.[5][6]



Born On This Day

1224 – Saint Kinga of Poland (d. 1292)
Kinga of Poland (also known as Cunegunda; Polish: Święta Kinga, Hungarian: Szent Kinga) (5 March 1224[1][2]– 24 July 1292) is a saint in the Catholic Church and patroness of Poland and Lithuania.[3][4]




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Interesting Facts
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By Steve Portugal, The Conversation: In Defense of Pigeons Pigeons simply don’t deserve the bad press they get.


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By Kitchen Mason: Air Fryer Creme Egg Croissant Recipe
By Jeromina: Braided Chocolate Muffins
Just the Recipe: Paste the URL to any recipe, click submit, and it’ll return literally JUST the recipe- no ads, no life story of the writer, no nothing EXCEPT the recipe.




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