On This Day
598 – Balkan Campaign: The Avars lift the siege at the Byzantine stronghold of Tomis. Their leader Bayan I retreats north of the Danube River after the Avaro-Slavic hordes are decimated by the plague.
aurice’s Balkan campaigns were a series of military expeditions conducted by Roman Emperor Maurice (reigned 582–602) in an attempt to defend the Balkan provinces of the Roman Empire from the Avars and the South Slavs. Maurice was the only East Roman emperor, other than Anastasius I, who did his best to implement determined Balkan policies during Late Antiquity by paying adequate attention to the safety of the northern frontier against barbarian incursions. During the second half of his reign, the Balkan campaigns were the main focus of Maurice’s foreign policies, as a favourable peace treaty with Persian Empire in 591 enabled him to shift his experienced troops from the Persian front to the region. The refocusing of Roman efforts soon paid off: the frequent Roman failures before 591 were succeeded by a string of successes afterwards.
Born On This Day
892 – Shi Jingtang, founder of the Later Jin Dynasty (d. 942)
Shi Jingtang (Chinese: 石敬瑭; 30 March 892[1] – 28 July 942[3]), also known by his temple name Gaozu (高祖), was the founding emperor of imperial China’s short-lived Later Jin during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, reigning from 936 until his death.
NASA: Astronomy Picture of the Day
EarthSky News
This Day in Tech History
Interesting Facts
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By Tyler Rogoway, The War Zone: The Fascinating Anatomy of the Presidential Motorcade Going inside the safest and most dangerous place on the road.
GrrlScientist Senior Contributor Evolutionary & behavioural ecologist, ornithologist & science writer, Forbes: These Tiny Birds Get By With A Little Help From Their Friends
Maybe they are terrified,
that the grief they feel is the last thing they have left of that person.
That if they move on from the grief,
they will lose the final connection.
The only tie.
Maybe people feel united with their loved one,
in the realm just outside our reality.
United in pain and loss.
Banished to a parallel universe where they can both exist together,
still together.
Maybe that’s just too precious to move on from.
So if you are in this place, or you know someone who is,
maybe you can remind them that they are completely connected to their lost one,
in so many more wonderful ways than just the loss.
How can they not be?
Inch for inch the pain they feel equals the love they shared.
At the end of the day, it’s all just love.
And there is no need to banish either.
They can exist side by side,
grief and love.
And they do,
every day.
Donna Ashworth From ‘LOSS’
Master Pieces of My Life Food Talk Daily: the best honeycomb cheesy cracker appetizer ever
I Wash You Dry: Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich
I Wash You Dry: Spatchcock Chicken with Potatoes
By Wren’s Little Nest Food Talk Daily: Pepper and Sweet Corn Skillet Risotto
By Betty Crocker Kitchens: Easy Oven-Baked Chicken Fajitas
Homemade on a Weeknight: 8 Great Sheet Pan Dinners
By Betty Crocker Kitchens: Chocolate Cupcake Recipes
By Ally Billhorn, Food Talk Daily: Cake Mix Easter Cinnamon Rolls
Just the Recipe: Paste the URL to any recipe, click submit, and it’ll return literally JUST the recipe- no ads, no life story of the writer, no nothing EXCEPT the recipe.
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