‘Time and balance. The two most difficult things to have control over, yet they are both things that we do control.
Catherine Pulsifer
“There are many successful businesses but few successful families. Yet, David O. McKay has said that ‘No other success can compensate for failure in the home.’ Without healthy relationships with family and friends, a person doesn’t truly have personal freedom. His life is out of balance.”
Benjamin P. Hardy
“Understand that building self-confidence is all about striking a balance in your life. The right amount of confidence can help a great deal in achieving what you want.”
Angel Graff
“There is no limit to what great and beautiful things the human being can create with the power of a balanced mind that is open to the inspiration of GOD.”
Paul Odafe Akpomukai
“Pursuing your goal is in a sense, fired by internal motivation. Hence, you need a source of external motivation to keep things in balance.”
Ben Robinson
“However, it is one thing to be consumed by your future financial goals, and another thing to be making progress and enjoying the process with a more balanced life by doing what brings you joy.”
Maggie Thompson
“Moderate activity can return us to fitness and continuous training will bring all the forces back in balance.”
Lorena Katz
“As time progresses, increase the amount of time spent for self-improvement, and less time on the mental junk food. Create a healthy balance, it’s no different than indulging in some cake here and there. Moderation, moderation, moderation!”
Curt Hinson
“Self-esteem is a matter of balance. Too much can tip over into haughtiness, arrogance, and the inability to admit when we have gone wrong.”
Alan Schmidt
“It’s also important to give attention to your health and hygiene. Keep yourself healthy by exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping right.”
Kathleen Rao
“If we are stressed out, we won’t be ‘joyful mothers of children.’ Balance is key.”
Katherine Leigh
“The workplace today is very demanding, and you really can’t have your life as a working mom the way it was before baby. So work-life balance for you should be about trade-offs at one time or the other.”
Grace Essen
“A good method of juggling different tasks is to always balance the short and long term tasks.”
Gretchen Pilar
“Your beliefs should knock the scale way off balance leaning to the side of love. If the other side is weighed down with worry, guilt, shame, anger or frustration, choose right now to change that!”
Debbie Dixon
“Through substitute activities, therapy, and hard work, grieving individuals can work through their anger and progress to live more balanced lives.”
Valerie Orr
“As parents we often struggle with balancing our desire to make our children happy and setting boundaries.”
Ellen Trump
“It’s not about balance, it’s about designing a work-home-family life that makes you feel good. A life you don’t need a vacation from.”
Jacqueline Fisch
“While it is important to love others unselfishly, it is crucial to find a balance. When we compromise our needs and martyr ourselves to the point of depleting ourselves and neglecting our needs, we become out of balance.”
Jessica Minty