Quotes July 12, 2021

Shower Thoughts via Reddit
“Co-workers in movies are co-workers in real life.”
“Standing still for 1 hour straight is excruciating while walking for 1 hour straight is relaxing.”
“Book covers are the original clickbait.”
“All books are technically remixes of the dictionary.”
“”You’ve probably never pressed number 9 on your microwave.”
“Zoom is a brand that has become synonymous with its product, like Kleenex or Frisbee.”
“If tomatoes are a fruit then pizza sauce is jam.”
“‘Tropical’ sounds awesome unless followed by ‘storm.’”
“There’s a random day of your life in which you’ve breathed the most/least.”
“We could have saved so much paper if we had made default margins narrow.”
“In a couple hundred years, more will start mistakenly assuming that Einstein or Lincoln had internet.”
“A treehouse is putting a dead tree on another tree.”