Courtesy of Claudia Hall Christian Everyday Kindness
What happens when you intentionally do kind acts for 7 days? Research says that you’ll feel better. Your self esteem will improve. Your social emotions will improve. Why not start today?
Research study: 7 Days of Intentional Kindness
You’re right — they don’t deserve your forgiveness. But you do. What can you forgive yourself for today? “Repeat to yourself: For the ways I have hurt myself through action or inaction, out of fear, pain and confusion, I now extend a full and heartfelt forgiveness. I forgive myself, I forgive myself.”
“The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.”
Theodore Roosevelt
You are one of a kind! Perfectly imperfect worthy of love – particularly your own. This week, let’s focus on self care. The world is a little crazy now. Self Kindness is a must.
Did you really say that? “I’m sorry” works. Now, be kind.
Well, that didn’t work. You’re tried everything. Maybe it’s time to try kindness.
It’s okay to give up for a day or a week. Recharge your mind and heart in the beauty of the world. Everything else can wait.
Have you ever noticed that little gap in between an in breath and an exhale? That is where peace lives with you. You carry peace around with you everywhere you go. No matter what happens today, peace is with you.
Life is exhausting right now. Keep the madness at bay by getting extra rest. Go to bed an hour early. Take a short nap. Rest on your lunch break. Don’t let exhaustion get the best of you.
Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to notice the beauty that surrounds you. Conceived in beauty, beauty is your birthright.
You’ve climbed more than your share of high, craggy mountains this week. It is time, now, to be kind to you. Rest. Draw in beauty and love. Focus on peace. Kindness begins in self care.
You are not called to fix the rain or stop the storm. You are called to love, to be kind. After you’ve done what you can, it’s all right to simply watch their storm blow by. Kindness is the storm that will heal the world. Be kind.
After the storm, it’s time to focus on self-care. A kinder world begins with self-kindness.