Tag: Airborne Tactical Advantage Company

Military April 30, 2019

DOD Identifies Army Casualty: Pfc. Michael A. Thomason
The Providence Journal | By Mark Reynolds: WII Bomber Pilot Died Saving His Crew. 75 Years Later, His Family Will Bury Him
By Patricia Kime: Victims of Military Medical Malpractice to Testify Before Congress
By David Axe, The National Interest: There’s a ‘private’ air force in Texas the US military desperately needs
The Associated Press: Air Force Academy Removes Commandant of Cadets amid Inquiry
By Oriana Pawlyk: Here’s What the Marines’ F-35B Did During First Full Air Show Demo
By Hope Hodge Seck: 2nd Marine Division CO Regrets How He Rolled Out Stringent New Routine. But He’s Not Backing Down
In retrospect, he said, he would have involved public affairs in the rollout plan earlier and gotten in front of some of the controversy.

“If I were to grade myself for product, on why I’m doing this, I think it’s an A. I don’t think anyone can question better combat performance,” he said. “How I rolled it out, if I’m being kind to myself, I’d probably give myself a D-minus.”