Tag: Chips

Military January 15, 2018

By Associated Press: US Army hero dog during WWII receives posthumous medal
By Associated Press: Yale professor to receive $1M for warrior-scholar project
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kettles
A Soldier who was there that day said “Maj. Kettles became our John Wayne,” Obama said, adding his own take: “With all due respect to John Wayne, he couldn’t do what Chuck Kettles did.”

“We got the 44 out. None of those names appear on the wall in Washington. There’s nothing more important than that.” – Retired Lt. Col. Charles Kettles

“You couldn’t make this up. It’s like a bad Rambo movie.” – President Barack Obama [8]

Charles S. Kettles (born January 9, 1930) is a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and a Medal of Honor recipient.