Tag: JBER Military Working Dog Kimba

Military March 11, 2019

By Katie Lange: Medal of Honor Monday: Army Pfc. Bryant Womack

Bryant Homer Womack[1] (May 12, 1931 – March 12, 1952) was a United States Army soldier during the Korean War. He posthumously received the Medal of Honor for his actions on March 12, 1952. Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, is named for him.

By EighthCard: Missing Vietnam War Veteran Laid to Rest in Tennessee
2019 National Vietnam War Veterans Day
The Topeka Capital-Journal | By Katie Moore: VA Waited 10 Months to Tell Vet He Had Cancer
According to the report, a team from the VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System met with the veteran’s spouse and adult child and a full disclosure was given, as was an apology. The family also was notified of their right to seek legal advice under the Federal Tort Claims Act.
By Mary Dever: With Historic Number of Women in Uniform, the Vet Community Is About to Change
“I was told [by the VA tech] I was the only woman that he had seen, and he wasn’t exactly sure what to do because he had never done prosthetics for women,” Reed said. “I told him it shouldn’t be any different from doing it for a man. A fit is a fit. If it doesn’t fit, it isn’t right.”
Task & Purpose: Here’s what it looks like when an F-16 gets caught doing Mach 2 in a 65 mph zone; That ‘mysterious fire’ at 1st Battalion, 6th Marines HQ resulted in $100,000 of damages, and is officially ‘suspicious’; The fallen Thunderbird pilot who helped ‘Captain Marvel’ soar and more ->
By Madeline McGee: JBER’s Oldest K9 Retires After 8-Year Career