Tag: Kristopher Green ret. Army Ranger

Military November 06, 2019

Military.com: One in Custody After Bomb Threat Causes Evacuations, Road Closures at US Navy Base in Japan; Marine Commander In Japan Removed from Job Amid Investigation; Fort Bragg Soldier Discharged, Sentenced for Desertion, Child Porn; The VA Office Created to Protect Whistleblowers Is a Sham and more ->
Task & Purpose: The Marine Corps made an 8 minute birthday video with only 6 seconds of female Marines. So we fixed it for them; ‘Don’t wait’ — A Gold Star sister explains what she learned from her brother’s death; Army Ranger finally finds work-life balance at The Home Depot; Celebrate Veterans Day by accessing all your VA health records straight from your iPhone; The lost lesson of Millennium Challenge 2002, the Pentagon’s embarrassing post-9/11 war game and more ->
DOD: Face of Defense: Leading From Experience; U.S. Needs WWII-Like Momentum to Advance AI, Esper Says and more ->


