Tag: President Donald Trump \ Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher former Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn and Marine Scout Snipers

Military May 19, 2019

By Michael Mcgough, The Sacramento Bee: Man arrested for throwing tripod onto freeway that impaled a California veteran
By Jeff Schogol: President Trump could pardon Gallagher, Golsteyn, and Marine Scout Snipers on Memorial Day
President Donald Trump could issue a pardon on Memorial Day for Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher, former Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn, and Marine Scout Snipers accused of urinating on Taliban corpses, the New York Times is reporting.
Stars and Stripes | By Rose L. Thayer: National Guard NCO Banned From National Archives Over Taking of WWII Dog Tags
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Fla. | By Billy Cox: Boot Camp Revives the Lost Art of Letter Writing
For Meyer, who will watch Connor graduate on May 31, the waiting game’s end is just a few weeks off. But those snail mail exchanges have been made a lot easier by — gulp! — a downloadable computer app called Sandboxx.

Founded in 2015 by Marine Corps veteran Sam Meek, the free app lets subscribers write a letter and attach a photo, which Sandboxx will deliver in hard-copy form to the recruit, along with an addressed envelope to the sender and a stamp. That clear invitation to reply requires the receiver to communicate in longhand. Letters on both ends submitted before 5 p.m. are guaranteed a next-day delivery.
Heroes: SOF-LAW-RESCUE-INTEL: Sierra Leone SAS took part in Operation Barras