Tag: Sgt. Dominic Esquibel

Military April 02, 2019

By Jeff Schogol: Marine Corps identifies two helicopter pilots killed in Saturday’s crash in Yuma, Arizona
The Associated Press: Airman Lost in World War II Accounted for Using DNA Analysis
By Patricia Kime: Military Medical Malpractice Suit Stays Alive in US Supreme Court
“If people have immunity, there’s less incentive to practice to the standard of care if you are not faced with potential financial consequences of malpractice,” Bell said.

Bell said while he has professional concern for the Daniel case, his interest is also deeply personal: his brother Noland Bell, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who served in the Army National Guard, died of Stage IV lung cancer after physicians failed to do initial tests when he first exhibited symptoms.

“My personal experience when I was active duty is the quality of physicians in the overall hospitals was very good,” he said. “But my brother’s case was completely preventable if they had diagnosed him a year and a half earlier when he first exhibited symptoms. There needs to be a recourse, a consequence, to ensure these things don’t happen again.”
Task & Purpose: ‘Maverick’ spotted shooting ‘Top Gun’ sequel while careening through California’s Star War canyon; A disabled Marine vet was arrested for using a handicapped parking space. He sued the US government and won; No more shortcuts: The Army’s marksmanship test is about to get tougher; Meet the Army’s new submachine gun
By Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Liberty: Ex-Russian military officer sentenced to 19 years for fighting alongside ISIS
By Blake Stillwell: Why Okinawa Is the Most Haunted Place in the Military
The Angry Staff Officer: Debunking the Myth of Southern Hegemony: Southerners who Stayed Loyal to the US in the Civil War