Tag: The History Guy Louis Adrian the General who Saved a Million Lives

Military May 01, 2019

By Oriana Pawlyk: Air Force T-6 Crashes in Oklahoma; Pilots Believed to Have Ejected
By Richard Sisk: VA, DoD Electronic Health Records Still Aren’t Compatible, and Lawmakers Are Angry
By Oriana Pawlyk: Air Force Scraps, Revises Hundreds of Rules That Bog Down Airmen
“A wing commander at Patrick Air Force Base, [Florida], who by the regulations had to submit a written request to be able to use his high-water vehicle to drive it to his domicile overnight because there’s a prohibition of using military vehicles for domicile-to-duty travel,” Wilson told reporters during a roundtable discussion at the conference.

The circumstances were dire: The commander had to get to and from work regardless of the storm and, at the time, Irma was a Category 5 storm soon to make landfall.

“I had to pull the reg for him” for this to happen, she said. “Because the regulation [to receive a waiver] says you need to start the paperwork 45 days in advance to ensure you have the authority” to do this.

“I’ll spare you what I really said,” Wilson said. “Obviously, we’re just not scheduling our hurricanes well.”

She added, “This doesn’t make any sense, and every airman knows it doesn’t make any sense. That’s stupid. And we need to just say it’s stupid and try to fix it.”

By Gina Harkins: Navy Command Master Chief Told Sailors to ‘Clap Like We’re at a Strip Club’ for Pence
By David Vergun: Leaders Discuss Partnerships, Lethality


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