Category: Alaska Blogs, Websites & Facebook pages

Alaska Blogs, Websites & Facebook pages

49 Writers Blog: Mareth Griffith

Spotlight on Alaska Books | Court of Twilight by Mareth Griffith

The cold was back with a vengeance; she almost expected to see her breath hanging in the air like a frosted cloud. Very carefully, Ivy looked around the room, peering into the corners and shadows. She only saw her various twinned shadows twitching as she turned her head, tiny whirlpools of dust spinning at her feet. Nothing else.

“Demi?” Ivy whispered.

The word scattered across the room, returning in whispers and echoes. The silence did nothing to reassure Ivy that the room was as empty as it seemed.

She took a shallow breath, feeling her fingers digging into the handle of the briefcase. Suppose there was something in the room that didn’t want Ivy’s attention. Like Carillon, sitting in her empty chair. ~Court of Twilight, Mareth Griffith

A ten-year resident of Seward, Alaska, Mareth Griffith bounces between summers along the Alaskan coast and winters in various warmer locations. When she’s not writing, she works as a naturalist and wilderness guide, leading adventurous souls on epic quests to seek out glaciers, bears, and whales in the wilds of Southeast Alaska. She’s also lived and worked in New Zealand, Scotland and Northern Ireland – where her nearest neighbors included two thousand puffins and the ghost of a spectral black horse. Originally from West Virginia, Mareth attended Smith College in Massachusetts, and the University of Glasgow in Scotland, studying music and theatre. She is a member of 49 Writers and the Seward Writer’s Circle.

Alaska Master Gardener Community November 30, 2017

The Alaska Master Gardener Blog

The Alaska Master Gardener Blog is a way for Alaska Master Gardeners to volunteer by sharing their knowledge and expertise in Alaskan Gardening. They are volunteers for Alaska Cooperative Extension Service. Heidi Rader edits the site and teaches the Alaska Master Gardener Online Course. Some of the posts are Lesson Plans correlated with GLE standards while others are general blogposts.
To find out more about the program, visit the Alaska Master Gardener Program website.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service programs are available to all, without regard to race, color, age, sex, creed, national origin, or disability and in accordance with all applicable federal laws. Provided in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fred Schlutt, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska Fairbanks. UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Common Pest: Aphids and How to Control Them
Heating it up: Compost Heated Greenhouses
It Just Takes Some Mist: Aeroponic Hydroponic Cloning

To Tea or Not to Tea
Espalier – Living Sculptures
Rhodiola Rosea: Medicinal Plant for Alaska
Mindfulness and Gardening: The Benefits of Stopping, Breathing, and Enjoying your Alaska Garden
Not All Weeds are the Same
Winter doesn’t have to mean boring
The Dirt on Testing Your Garden Soil
To Pull or Not To Pull? Is It Native or Invasive?

Making Peace with Green Tomatoes
Poinsettia Progression: The Origin, Growth, and Care of Euphorbia pulcherrima

2017 | Alaska, The Madness

Well where did my will to write go? Probably to a similar place as my spare time. But I wanted to give a quick update in order to just get this dry spell broken and get back to writing. So, high and low lights of the year.

2017 | Alaska, The Madness

A Taste of Alaska: Halibut Olympia

Baking and cooking my way through the cold Alaska winters keeps me from getting cabin fever. With the help of my husband, our four dogs and one finch, we manage to maintain our sanity through adventures in our kitchen and our hometown, Fairbanks.

Source: A Taste of Alaska

Glacier Quest Cruise Continues Through September 10 – AK on the GO

Phillips Cruises and Tours is still sailing daily out of Whittier, where families can enjoy a three-hour, 45-minute trip on the Glacier Quest Cruise.

Source: Glacier Quest Cruise Continues Through September 10 – AK on the GO

Reporting matters – Craig Medred

Source: Reporting matters – Craig Medred

What Do I Know?: Should Anchorage People Move To Avoid N. Korean Atomic Bomb?

Blog on how we know through coverage of anything that catches my eye from Alaska, politics, birds, media, people, to theater and film.

Source: What Do I Know?: Should Anchorage People Move To Avoid N. Korean Atomic Bomb?

Jody Brion of the Alaska Hiking Tribe has a new website:  Home – Health and Hiking

Your go-to site for information and gear related to diet, nutrition, exercise, and outdoor activities. THIS WEEK’S FEATURED ITEM: 

Source: Home – Health and Hiking

Suddenly September Saturday Market

Summer Market
Hours and Location

Every Saturday
May 13 – October 14
900 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Subway/ Cellular One
Sports Center
(corner of Old Seward and O’Malley)

Our Alaskan Carrots are sweeter than anywhere else in the country; better than candy!

Source: Suddenly September Saturday Market

Our Third Thirds: How happy is your uterus?

Barbara Brown blog about life in the Third Third: empty nest, retirement, de-cluttering, adventures, crashes, New Things, all with art and humor.

Source: Our Third Thirds: How happy is your uterus?