Tag: Korean War veteran Army PFC William Hoover Jones.

Military June 22, 2019

Military.com: He Went Missing in Korea Nearly 70 Years Ago. Now, a Soldier’s Body is Finally Home; US Navy to Dub Newest Rescue Ship ‘Cherokee Nation’; Online Program is Helping Military Members and Spouses Get Law Degrees; Court Decision Paves Way to Faster Appeal Decisions for Some Vets and more ->
Task & Purpose By Kevin Robinson-Avila, Albuquerque Journal: The Air Force has a new drone-killing microwave weapon named ‘Thor’

The Goodpaster Prize & Lecture was inaugurated twelve years ago in memory of one of the U.S. military’s great “soldier-scholars.” It honors and helps to perpetuate the work of fellow soldier-scholars in the mold of General Andrew J. Goodpaster. This year the award was presented to LTG H.R. McMaster, retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General and 26th National Security Advisor. He was decorated with the Silver Star for his actions in the Gulf War, has earned a Ph.D. in American History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and authored the classic work on the Vietnam War, ‘Dereliction of Duty.’ Special thanks to the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation for their support of this event!