Deborah Collins

Random Musings from Alaska

Author's posts

Images Eadweard Muybridge Cutting Edge Photography September 9, 2016

When a horse trots, do all four of its hooves ever leave the ground at once? At one time, we not only had no answer to that question, we had no way of finding out. But in 1872, when the matter piqued the curiosity of Leland Stanford, tycoon, former governor of California, co-founder of Stanford University, and race-horse owner, it did so at just the right time. Having made a bet on the answer, Stanford called on an English photographer named Eadweard Muybridge, known for his work in such then-cutting-edge subfields as time-lapse and stereography, and tasked him with figuring it out. Using a series of cameras activated by trip wires as the horse trotted past, Muybridge proved that all four of its hooves do indeed leave the ground, winning Stanford the wager.

When a horse trots, do all four of its hooves ever leave the ground at once? At one time, we not only had no answer to that question, we had no way of finding out. But in 1872, when the matter piqued the curiosity of Leland Stanford, tycoon, former governor of California, co-founder of Stanford University, and race-horse owner, it did so at just the right time. Having made a bet on the answer, Stanford called on an English photographer named Eadweard Muybridge, known for his work in such then-cutting-edge subfields as time-lapse and stereography, and tasked him with figuring it out. Using a series of cameras activated by trip wires as the horse trotted past, Muybridge proved that all four of its hooves do indeed leave the ground, winning Stanford the wager.

Eadweard Muybridge’s Motion Photography Experiments from the 1870s Presented in 93 Animated Gifs


Eadweard Muybridge (/ˌɛdwərd ˈmbrɪ/; 9 April 1830 – 8 May 1904, born Edward James Muggeridge) was an English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motion-picture projection. He adopted the name Eadweard Muybridge, believing it to be the original Anglo-Saxon form of his name.[1]


Eadweard Muybridge


Finding An Oomph! September 9, 2016

Sometimes it’s a push to find New Things in your life. It’s Friday and you didn’t sleep well and it’s been a long week; how about we just veg out? Or you got yourself out, and it’s First Friday and the block party on D Street is fun and sunny so why would you leave to hear a lecture? A music lecture no less. Indoors.

Choosing Oomph

Music September 9, 2016

RED Friday




Shorpy September 9, 2016

Circa 1910. "The levee at Baton Rouge -- sternwheeler Paul Tulane." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Circa 1910. “The levee at Baton Rouge — sternwheeler Paul Tulane.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.


San Francisco, 1927. "Oldsmobile roadster at Golden Gate Park." Latest listing in the Shorpy Catalogue of Jaunty Jalopies. 5x7 glass negative.

San Francisco, 1927. “Oldsmobile roadster at Golden Gate Park.” Latest listing in the Shorpy Catalogue of Jaunty Jalopies. 5×7 glass negative.


June 1936. "Derrick, characteristic sight in Louisiana cane field. Used to transfer cane from wagons to trucks for transportation to sugar mills." Medium format negative by Carl Mydans for the Farm Security Administration.

June 1936. “Derrick, characteristic sight in Louisiana cane field. Used to transfer cane from wagons to trucks for transportation to sugar mills.” Medium format negative by Carl Mydans for the Farm Security Administration.


May 1943. "Buffalo, New York. Peter Grimm, age 10 (last seen here), delivers for Loblaw's grocery store with his wagon. This was a rainy day with few customers. Sometimes Peter makes as much as $3 on a Saturday. He pays for all his school supplies and much of his clothing. His mother, a 26-year-old widow, is a crane operator at Pratt & Letchworth." Medium format negative by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.

May 1943. “Buffalo, New York. Peter Grimm, age 10 (last seen here), delivers for Loblaw’s grocery store with his wagon. This was a rainy day with few customers. Sometimes Peter makes as much as $3 on a Saturday. He pays for all his school supplies and much of his clothing. His mother, a 26-year-old widow, is a crane operator at Pratt & Letchworth.” Medium format negative by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.

Images September 7, 2016


Burning Man 2016





Cupcake Cars!


Just for fun:





Who’s getting these socks for Christmas?






Once again:






Quotes September 7, 2016

“Most men rather please than admire you; they seek less to be instructed, and even to be amused, than to be praised and applauded; the most delicate of pleasures is to please another person.”
Jean de La Bruyère, “Of Society and Conversation”, The Characters of Jean de La Bruyère

“Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”
Max Ehrmann

How can our works and thoughts, if they are always to be the fittest, continue always the same? Change, indeed, is painful, yet ever needful.
Thomas Carlyle,

What we fear most is that we will be denied the opportunity to fulfill our true potential.
Dan Pallotta

Shorpy September 7, 2016

Circa 1904. "Depot at Braidwood, Illinois." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Circa 1904. “Depot at Braidwood, Illinois.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

September 26, 1922. Washington, D.C. "Virginia Avenue playgrounds." Equipped with a skate pit. National Photo Company glass negative.

September 26, 1922. Washington, D.C. “Virginia Avenue playgrounds.” Equipped with a skate pit. National Photo Company glass negative.

January 1937. "Children of migrant citrus worker who lives in a rundown apartment house. The sink at the head of the stairs is the only running water in the house. Winter Haven, Florida." Photo by Arthur Rothstein

January 1937. “Children of migrant citrus worker who lives in a rundown apartment house. The sink at the head of the stairs is the only running water in the house. Winter Haven, Florida.” Photo by Arthur Rothstein


December 1942. "Proviso departure yard of the Chicago & North Western R.R. at twilight." 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

December 1942. “Proviso departure yard of the Chicago & North Western R.R. at twilight.” 4×5 Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

Happy Birthday September 7, 2016

It’s now been a year of blogging. 170 blog posts. Lots and lots of illustrations. Hooray! But time for a performance review: Is it doing what I’d hoped, both for me and you? Is it doing things I didn’t expect; did it surprise me? You?
Happy birthday, Our Third Thirds

Music September 7, 2016


France’s Most Celebrated Immigrant September7, 2016


The Dome From Outside

Apropos the earlier discussion of the Museum of Immigration in Paris as well as the current immigration issues in Europe, I thought I’d add these pictures of Napoleon’s Tomb.

France’s Most Celebrated Immigrant